Thomas the Apostle : A 450 year old lie

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. – Joseph Goebbels

“Those control the education Industry and Media , they rule the country” this is my view from what i understanding by reading history. When Bharat gained independence , 2 most powerful social medium are deliberately  kept untouchable for 90% majority people (Jains, Sikhs, Buddhist,  Hindus). Education system controlled by Vatican and Marxist controlled both education system and Media industry. No one can deny this fact.

The story of “Thomas the Apostle” is one such example of deliberate distortion of history. We are not going into the story of St Thomas as it already been spread enough by churches. There are multiple records from Europe about St Thomas in India but most of them are fabricated myths.

When Vasco da Gama arrived 1st time in India. he was asked the purpose of his visit he replied “We came here in search of Christians and spices” . He finds christian families in India but they are Syriac Christians who migrated from Syria and turkey. Portuguese later baptized and their books are burnt. Since our topic is not about history of Christians in India we are leaving the discussion here.

In 1547, Portuguese unearthed a slab during renovation of church in St Thomas mount(Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India)  which they considered resting place of their legend. What they found was a slab with cross and mysterious inscription. The script on the slab was lost but , Christians started claiming it to be from 1st century era and they have discovered burial place of st thomas.  It spread like wild fire and a story was created how he must have died to create hatred on Brahmins for christian public.

But we are going to see that this narrative is completely false. Below is the picture of Slab found in St thomas mount, chennai with an unknown inscription.


A.C.Burnell(1873) , First European identified the inscription as Pahlavi script and he dates the inscription to 650CE . Pahlavi or Pahlevi script is a particular, exclusively written form of various Middle Iranian languages.  And it reads it as below


This proves without any doubt that St Thomas visiting in India is cooked up story and used as base story of propagating Tamil literature inspired from Christians. Church had so much power that no one dares to question them during their rule India, some extend till this day.

An important letter from Vatican , Answering the question on records of St Thomas visiting India.

Again, this is proved beyond doubt that he never visited India. Church and Media institution  deliberately hiding this fact from public.

In-fact, it was Christians who destroyed Hindu temple to construct church.


I leave this here to my readers with a small quote.

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